Sport Psychology Journals
The mental/sport psychology side of the hockey is a part of the game that most players don't get exposed to at an early enough age. We designed our Post Game Reflection Journals to expose players to pro style self review process. Our playbooks offer interactive chapters to help players develop skills to focus, re-focus, routines and more to expose them to skills/ideas that will help them on their hockey journeys. All our journals were designed by 8 year pro CJ Motte and utilized the same process he and his brother Tyler Motte (Current NHL player) went through growing up. Both agree this knowledge helped them get to the professional hockey level.
Post Game Self Review Journals
Our post game reflection journals will help players and goalies start developing their own post game reflection process. This will help them not only start to understand their game, but also how they feel playing their best and how they feel when they are not. The sooner players can identify when they are off their game the quicker they can get back on top. The goal is to play consistently and at a player's top level all the time. We also have a section for notes about the game or other team. This will be helpful when playing the same team later in the season. Below are example pages out of our goalie, player, and 10U journals.
Player specific post game self review

Goalie specific post game self review

10U post skate self review
Sports Psychology Playbook
Our Sport Psychology Playbooks offer interactive chapters that will get every hockey player analyzing and thinking about their game. The player is the only one who knows exactly how they feel and what they are thinking before and during games. This is why we give them strategies to identify when they feel suboptimal and also ways to get them back to feeling at their top level. Players who play consistently at their top level are the ones that make it to the higher levels of hockey. Below is the table of contents for both our player and goalie specific playbooks.
Player specific sports psychology playbook
Goalie specific sports psychology playbook